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Club Event Calendar

Our club meetings and W5YI Test Sessions are hosted at the Peabody Library, Lower Level, located at 1160 State Road 205, Columbia City, Indiana 46725. General Meetings are at 7 pm, with a presentation following. Board Meetings are at 6 pm.




10/14/2021 Tom Rupp KU8T POTA

11/11/2021 John Wasmuth AA9KB Long Distance Fox Hunting

12/9/2021 Club Event Christmas Dinner

April 8th, 2021

History of Radio Astronomy

Presented by:

John Wasmuth, AA9KB

May 13th, 2021

Parachute Mobile

Presented by:

Carlos Felix, KD9OLN

June 10th, 2021

Field Day 2021 Prep

Presented by:

Field Day Team

July 8th, 2021

Solar Cycle 25

Presented by:

Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA

August 12th, 2021


Presented by:

Jim Moehring, KB9WWM

September 8th, 2021

Straight Key Century Club

Presented by:

Dave Shakely, N9FGP

Amateur Radio Contests

Amateur Radio Contests throughout the year can be found in many locations, however, we recommend ARRL Contest Page and WA7BNM Contest Calendar. 


Amateur Radio Hamfests

Amateur Radio Hamfests are a great way to buy, sell, and trade new and used equipment, supplies, and swag. They are also a great way to socialize with hams and learn from forums. You can search for Hamfests on the ARRL's Hamfest and Convention Page


Club Event Calendar

Our club meetings are hosted at the Parkview Whitley Library, Lower Level Room A, located at 1260 State Road 205, Columbia City, Indiana 46725. General Meetings and Board Meetings are at 7 pm.

General Meetings are open to the general public and can be joined via Zoom!




Meeting ID: 830 4886 7829

Passcode: 431119


January 11th, 2024

General Meeting

NTS Traffic

Presented by: 

Indiana Section Traffic Manager, Brian Jenks, W9BGJ

February 8th, 2024

General Meeting

Presentation TBD

March 14th, 2024

General Meeting

Presentation TBD

April 11th, 2024

General Meeting

Tower Construction

Presented by:

Richard Leo, W9EEE


May 9th, 2024

General Meeting

Presentation TBD

May 26th-27th, 2024


Annual Vietnam Veterans Memorial Special Event Station K9V

2122 O'Day Road 

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46818

June 13th, 2024

General Meeting

Field Day Planning

Presented by:

Field Day Committee

June 22nd-23rd, 2024

2024 ARRL Field Day  

Whitley County 4-H Fairgrounds

680 W Squawbuck Rd

Columbia City, Indiana 46725

41°09'39.2"N 85°30'00.5"W

July 13th, 2024

General Meeting

Presentation TBD

August 8th, 2024

General Meeting

Birthday Bash!

Come celebrate the clubs 33rd birthday with a cookout

Location: TBD

September 12th, 2024

General Meeting

Presentation TBD

October 10th, 2024

General Meeting

Presentation TBD

November 14th, 2024

General Meeting

Elections of 2025 Board

Presented by:

All Members

December 12th, 2024

WCARC Club Christmas Dinner



Amateur Radio Contests

Amateur Radio Contests throughout the year can be found in many locations, however, we recommend ARRL Contest Page and WA7BNM Contest Calendar. 


Amateur Radio Hamfests

Amateur Radio Hamfests are a great way to buy, sell, and trade new and used equipment, supplies, and swag. They are also a great way to socialize with hams and learn from forums. You can search for Hamfests on the ARRL's Hamfest and Convention Page


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