Time To Get Licensed!
Your team of Volunteer Examiners is anxious to help with your exam. Reviewing and anticipating these requirements will ensure that your exam experience is successful, efficient and pleasant.
Submit Your $14 Examination Fee
As you register for your exam at HamStudy.org, NEW applicants will apply for and immediately receive an FCC FRN. This is a required number on your application for your new license. This number replaces your Social Security number on the application document. Current license holders have a Call Sign associated with their existing FRN.
Your exam is NEVER timed! Plan on about 20 minutes for your exam. We find our well-prepared applicants typically complete in 5-10 minutes, plus a few more minutes reviewing documents. Occasionally a technology issue can extend your experience slightly. We are VERY patient as we navigate together, any obstacles in the way!
You will receive an emailed Zoom meeting invite about 30-60 minutes prior to your exam session. Simply click on the blue link to join your meeting. Watch the video while in the waiting room and wait to be admitted. We often are ahead of schedule, so be you might test a bit earlier than expected. You're never obligated to join though until your clearly indicated exam time. Your email will occasionally land in your Spam/Junk mail folder. Check there for possible misdirected email?
Joining your meeting you are asked to consent with recording laws. Please remove sensitive material from your test area that you do not wish to be recorded. A 360-degree scan of your room is needed along with a view of your work surface/desktop you are testing at. You agree to the recording, storage and distribution of video, images and audio from the meeting. We celebrate your success on our Website and Social Media pages. If you prefer to be excluded from this promotion, please ask.
You are welcome to open a calculator app on your testing device, that is free from stored memory, or preset formulas.
Communicating with your exam team can be done with a headset, however you will be asked to remove any Headsets / Earbuds / Headphones / Smart Watches / Smart Eyewear prior to starting the exam.
Once registered, your information is populated onto a Form 605. Your exam team will guide you on applying your electronic signature to this document. Your name must match between your FRN or existing Call Sign, and the 605.
Please remove/turn around and cover additional screens or monitors within your field of view. A simple sweatshirt or bath towel works great for covering screens. During your exam, please concentrate on your own exam, not allowing your vision or gaze to drift away from your own testing screen. Fun Fact: A very handy place to test uninterrupted is actually a bathroom! A smaller area, with minimal electronic distractions that works nicely for your exam environment.
*Applicants under the age of 13 may have a parent or legal guardian present during the exam.* Please carve out ample time away from others to complete your exam. Once your exam begins, you must remain on camera and able to be heard until you complete. Your exam team understands that dogs bark, doorbells ring and young kids ask for something occasionally. Cats even walk across work areas that THEY
are letting you use for your test. Life happens, and we are most understandable! Just ensure that your exam is free from any suspicion from exchange of information, and that you are clearly testing unassisted. Remove any books, magazines, notes, posters, or test material from your view and reach.
Absolutely! Your $14 exam fee covers all the exam elements you can pass. Should you fall short on an element, an additional exam fee is needed to continue. In fact, we have had many applicants pass all 3 exams, one after the other, all for the single exam fee of $14. So, if you would like to challenge the next exam element, simply ask your test team. NOTE: Our experience shows that if you have not studied for the next test element, success rates are quite poor. So keep studying, and prepare well for the elements you would like to tackle!
Please have your State Issued Photo ID ready and available to display to your exam team. Some webcams have difficulty focusing, so be prepared to email/text a picture of it to your team. We will never retain your ID, and it's deleted immediately. Alternatively, a Birth Certificate, Accredited School ID, Passport etc. can also be used to verify your identity to your exam team.
The Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), requires that parents or guardians of remote examination applicants under the age of 13, will complete a COPPA form. Please have a parent or legal guardian download and complete this form as part of the registration process at HamStudy.org Please email this completed from to coppa@examtools.org as well as stephen@wm7x.net
Your exam team does allow a physical, single piece of scratch paper. The page will be verified as clear prior to your exam. If it is used, your team will inspect it at end of exam. We also allow you to use a cleared on-screen notepad.
Video and Audio must function on the device you are testing on. Occasionally, a second device is needed if technology issues arise. Mac OS user? To accommodate screen sharing, you must Unlock Security Settings and 'Allow Zoom to record your screen'. Solid internet is required, plugged in ethernet preferred. If using wireless, ensure good signal strength to your router. Make sure your devices are plugged in or fully charged.
It is recommended that you navigate to Zoom.us and install the desktop client. Under the 'Resources' tab, please download and install Zoom to your device and test run this application to ensure that your software functions. Disable any blurring or virtual background you might have applied to your video. Want to test your Zoom out? Reach out to me so we can test it together!
To ensure exam integrity, all non-essential running applications must be closed. These are not limited to Mail, Messaging, Alerts, Teams, TeamViewer, Discord, Steam, VNC, Remote Desktops, etc. Your team will examine with you, your device for the presence of these running apps. Kindly follow their brief instructional queries as they help you prepare your computer. Only a Browser with single tab open, Zoom and a Calculator may be active.
Our team is well aware of the special needs some have, and we are happy to offer reasonable accommodations for you to complete your exam. We have provisions for sight impaired applicants as well! Please reach out ahead of your exam to communicate with us, what considerations you might require to be successful in your exam!
It's a simple website you test at, and a familiar place for most! Our process is most efficient! We respect your time and will help you through this quickly. Your team had administered thousands of exams and will provide you with everything you need to know about your test. Simply follow their instructions on navigating your exam environment. Occasionally, we are Technical Support Agents too, in helping you prepare your computer to test with! Our motivation is that you receive the simplest experience you can have with our team. We are honored that you have chosen us!
No worries, really! Learning is a journey, not an ending! This is still time to celebrate the amount of answers you answered correctly! Simply decide if you would like to re-test immediately and submit an additional exam fee payment to take another swing at it! Remember, focus on your success and build upon it. If you decide to study more and return to another session, we would be happy to administer your next attempt too. Never give up, and don't be discouraged! Brush up on your studies and the questions and knock it outta the park next time, ok?
Exam scores are immediately displayed! Falling short and wishing to retest requires an additional $14 exam fee. We have no provisions to discuss which questions might have been missed. After passing, you will be guided on the completion of documents by providing your electronic signature. Sign using your mouse, stylus or touchpad! You are promptly emailed your CSCE, Completion of Successful Completion of
Exam. Retain this document, as it is your proof of having passed your exam. Your exam team then handles all of your paperwork, submitting application docs to the FCC on your behalf. Great job! Now time to relax and enjoy the moment, we are absolutely proud of you, and you should be yourself.

Exam Fee!
Federal Registration Number (FRN)
Exam Time Expectations
Expect Email Invitation
Recording Consent/Room Search
NCVEC 605 Application
Wearable Technology
Sorry, No Physical Calculators
One Monitor Screen
Can I Take More Than One Exam??
Scratch Paper? YES!
Photo Identification
Test Alone And Unassisted
Youth? Under 13 Years Old?
Device Preparations
Install Zoom
Simple Clear Instructions
Special Needs/Requests
Actively Running Applications
Score Fell A Little Short??